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系统分析师 (OA方向)
16000-20000元 上海黄浦区 应届毕业生 本科
蛇口南顺面粉有限公司 2024-04-24 11:17:09
系统分析师 (OA方向)
16000-20000元 上海黄浦区 应届毕业生 本科
蛇口南顺面粉有限公司 2024-04-24 11:17:09
岗位职责: 1、企业微信日常运维及最佳实践落地 2、OA项目整体管理,包括需求梳理、表单流程搭建及日常运维 3、OA 企业微信集成 4、OA项目供应商管理 5、既有OA流程的梳理和迁移方案评估、实施 6、OA工作流相关管理报表设计及运维 7、OA作为公司统一审批流平台与外围系统的集成及交互 8、数字化工具及移动端能力的企业内宣传及拓展 岗位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,计算机及工程相关专业 2、3年及以上系统分析及企业内工作流相关项目实施经验 3、具备OA(泛微平台)/BPM等相关项目实施经验 4、具备Oracle EBS项目经验为佳 5、理解企业内审批流设计 6、具备OA平台与外围系统对接经验 7、具备业务流程分析能力并可以提出相关业务流程优化的方案建议 8、具备良好的沟通能力,能够通过沟通影响业务并支持业务价值实现 9、具备项目管理经验,支持项目整体生命周期管理 10、具备良好的团队协作能力、良好的业务理解能力、业务优化建议及较强的沟通能力 11、具备良好的口头及文字沟通能力,最好具备英语及粤语沟通能力 Responsibilities: 1.Build and implement group digital workflow (OA) solutions. 2.Drive WeChat Work implementation with OA integration. 3.Design future Mobile workspace in WeChat work and OA. 4.Support Initial OA implementation projects with supplier. 5.Migrate workflow from current e-flow system to OA by phasing approach. 6.Create control reports for OA workflows 7.Build interface between OA and other applications. 8.Provide daily support to OA and WeChat work. 9.Promote mobility culture within organization. Requirements: 1.Degree holder in Computer Science or Engineering. 2.Strong analytical skills with vast experience in business process analysis, approval process design, implementation of Delegation of Authorities. 3.Experience in maintaining Organization Structure in OA and WeChat Work. 4.OA workflow design experience in Major OA solutions is Must. 5.Experience in writing script to customize OA flows and meet business requirements. 6.Experience in control report design in OA. 7.Project management experience, be able to drive WeChat Work and OA workflow design and implementation. 8.Ability to be self-managed as well as to collaborate with teams of non-technical users is a must. 9.Strong presentation, interpersonal and communication skills. 10.Good command in spoken and written English and Mandarin. Cantonese is plus.

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