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7000-8000元 上海松江区 应届毕业生 本科
7000-8000元 上海松江区 应届毕业生 本科


1.Prepare internal and external job advertisements, web postings, specifications for external recruitment agencies, job descriptions and other materials in accordance with the organization’s recruitment standards and business needs so that potential job applicants have the information they need to decide whether, and how to, apply for a vacant position.
2. Internet research to locate resumes; screen C.V base on education and work experience.
3.Conduct telephone interview and take record for others reference.
4.Contact candidates, arrange interview times and develop appropriate interview questions in collaboration with the hiring manager so that interviews are conducted efficiently and equitably.
5.Respond to enquiries from candidates, hiring managers and external recruitment agencies about the organization’s recruitment activities and about the status of job vacancies so that interested parties are kept informed without compromising the organization’s standards of privacy and confidentiality.
6.Coordinate with recruitment agencies and supervise them to provide qualified candidates in due time;
7. Arrange interviews per hiring manager’s schedule; push and ensure the interview is on time, do not cause complain due to personal reason.
8.Track the interview process and working together with the hiring manager to push the process smoothly.
9. Participate and take on additional assignments and projects as required. 能熟练使用今日招聘网,招聘号的维护

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